Writing about the day to day mysteries of life.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Salad and A New Book

Ned is feeling about 90% better.  I do think he might have a head injury, because he had a salad for lunch.  Ned even took a picture to document this occurrence.  He ASKED for a salad for lunch.  I also had a salad, with lettuce from our yard.  I am on this ranch dressing kick.  I am going to start a test kitchen type scenario and experiment with ranch.  I had the best dressing at the Woodberry Kitchen a close second from Stone Mill.  I want to try and make the perfect ranch dressing.  I only started liking ranch about two years ago.  When I was about nine years old I got the stomach flu after having salad with ranch and steak with my grandma and grandpa.  I didn't eat steak until well into my thirties and no ranch until recently.  I have been missing out all of these years.  There is probably no coincidence with my weight gain and the love of ranch.

Ellen came home with a new book selection.  She has switched to "The Thief Lord", which is an excellent choice.  Her teacher was very understanding.   All is well in the Killefer household - at least for this moment!

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