Chummi had a great time on his trip. He got his picture taken in Louse Erdrich's bookstore. It was a wonderful store and had this confessional inside. The woman who worked in the store was a complete hoot, very loud and off-the-wall-opinionated. She told the store dog, after hearing a dog bark "we don't respond to nasty little terriers." Turns out the nasty little terriers owner was in the store, and it was a collie.
Chummi also visited the Flour Mill museum, which was truly fascinating, who knew flour production was so interesting.
I'm glad you went to the Flour Museum with Chummi. I've been there and it's great! I learned more about flour than I ever imagined there was to know. One of my favorite exhibits was downstairs where they showed what a wheat farmer's life was like, and the women made up those ginormous meals for the farmhands. I bought some feed sack towels.