It is so hot here and I can't get my pus-nodule injection sites wet for another three days. The pool is the perfect temperature and I am side-lined, sitting with a panting, stink-breathed labrador.
The kids have had bike spills this week - each and every kid. Ned is scabbed everywhere, Ian is complaining of his shoulder, but Ellen has the best story. She loaned her bike to a friend and rode off on her old bike. She rode off on the old bike with no helmet and without mentioning the bike had no brakes. She rode down a hill - no brakes - crashed into the neighbors tennis court chain link fence. She is black and blue, but fortunately not hurt worse than she could have been. She bent the bike to a crazy angle and was really quite lucky. Only the school of hard knocks made Ellen say, "I am never riding without my helmet again." Doesn't matter I have screeched at her one million times to wear her helmet. I am just back ground noise, static interference.
Friday I am off to the Mid Appalchian Quilt Symposium (MAQ) and I am really excited! I am taking three classes and will post pictures next week. Whoohoo, this will be the first quilting I have done in weeks! I still have to do the class prep work, hopefully I won't be cutting fabric late Thursday night!
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